Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vote for MRCs Year's Worst Reporting Awards

I voted for the Media Research Center's 22nd Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting and got so involved that I decided to write a post even though I have been taking a writing hiatus for the holidays.

A few stats about MRC's nominees
10 Different Print/Online Publications were nominated
Newsweek got 7 nominations
Times Mag got 6 nominations
NY Times got 4 nominations

MSNBC got the most broadcast nominations at 21
8 of those were given to Chris Matthews and 6 to Keith Olbermann.

ABC had 20 nominations
World News getting 8 and Nightline 4

NBC got 19 Nominations
Nightly News got 10, Today Show 6, and Meet the Press 2

CNN got 15 nominations with Newsroom getting the most at 5

CBS got 14 nominations and Katie Couric got half of those at 7

Go to MRC and make your picks before reading mine that I specify after the jump... VOTE