Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christian license plate ruled unconstitutional in South Carolina by liberal judge Cameron Currie

 Plates ruled unconstitutional in SC and FL

Excerpt from the ruling by U.S. District Judge Cameron Currie:
The "I Believe" Act cannot be seen by any reasonable observer either as facilitating expression of a broad diversity of viewpoints ... or as a permissible accommodation to Christians..... Both positions are belied by the facts that the "I Believe" Act (1) authorizes a single plate with a uniquely Christian message, (2) was sponsored and approved solely as the result of governmental action, and (3) presents its message in a manner that is not available except through the legislative approval process (necessary to allow the inclusion of both motto and symbol). ....

The "I Believe" Act had its genesis in Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer’s desire to do here what had been unsuccessful in the state of Florida–to gain legislative approval of a specialty plate promoting the majority religion: Christianity. Whether motivated by sincerely held Christian beliefs or an effort to purchase political capital with religious coin, the result is the same. The statute is clearly unconstitutional and defense of its implementation has embroiled the state in unnecessary (and expensive) litigation.

In her 57-page ruling, Currie also ordered the state of South Carolina to pay legal costs of the people who filed the lawsuit.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... --US Constitution Amendment 1
How does providing an optional license plate that no one is required to use, that one has to pay extra for, thereby not being funded by the state be construed as an establishment of religion?

Separation of church and state is NOT in the constitution, it is a term made up by those whose true mission is to totally eradicate Christianity... Starting with disallowing all reference or public display of Christianity and forcing all worship to be conducted behind closed doors.

Eventually, we will have to worship in secret if we continue to allow the anti-Christian forces to succeed in turning this country into something that was never envisioned nor intended by our founding fathers.

Considering some of the plates already available in SC, one might think the judge had her own ax to grind. For example:

Just a few of the other 'by choice' plates available in SC: Amateur Radio, Ancient Free Masons, Beaufort Water Festival, Boy Scouts of America, Boykin Spaniel Foundation, Carolina Panthers, Cattleman's Association, Choose Life, Driven by the Arts, Earth Echo, Education, Endangered Species, Homeownership: The American Dream, Gone Fishing, In God We Trust, In Reason We Trust, Nascar (6 choices) National Multiple Sclerosis Society, No More Homeless Pets, Secular Humanists of the Low Country, Shag, Share the Road Palmetto Cycling, Shriners, Sons of Confederate Veterans, South Carolina Ducks Unlimited, Square Dance, Surfrider Foundation, Technology Alliance, United We Stand, Working for the Wild Turkey, many colleges and universities along with many fraternity and sorority plates.

A few that caught my attention: 


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