“A government contractor at Hanford, in south-central Washington State, just spent a week mapping radioactive rabbit feces with detectors mounted on a helicopter flying 50 feet over the desert scrub. … the helicopter flights, which covered 13.7 square miles and were paid for with $300,000 in federal stimulus money, took place in an area that had never been used by the bomb makers. … I wonder how many week-long jobs that $300,000 created or saved? I wonder further, how many permanent jobs (as much as you can call any job permanent) might have been created if that $300,000 might have been used in something like... let's see... a loan to help start or expand a small business?
Marylia Kelley, the executive director of a California group called Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, said the rabbit cleanup was ‘kind of funny, in a sick way.’”
(“Even Rabbit Droppings Count In Nuclear Cleanup,” The New York Times, 10/14/09)
$430,000 to repair a bridge in Iowa County, WI that carries 10 or fewer cars per day.
$11 MILLION for Microsoft to build a bridge connecting its two headquarter campuses in Redmond, WA, which are separated by a highway. Bill Gates can't afford to build his own bridge? Microsoft ought to be bailing out the government.
“A Big Chunk Of The Money That Will Pay For A New Spring-Training Baseball Complex On Tribal Land In The East Valley Will Be Delivered Via A Financing Program That's Part Of The Federal Economic-Stimulus Plan. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community says it may borrow as much as $30 million of the estimated cost of the $100 million complex near Scottsdale that will become the spring home of the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Colorado Rockies.” (“Stimulus To Help Tribe Build Baseball Complex,” The Arizona Republic, 9/17/09)
$800,000 for the John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, PA to build a backup runway for the approximately 20 passengers a day that fly to DC.
$1 MILLION to study the health effects of environmentally friendly public housing on 300 people in Chicago.
“Five hundred Syracuse University freshmen will divulge the details of their sex lives as part of a women's health study called ‘The Women's Health Project." Michael Carey, (director of the Center for Health and Behavior at SU) found himself the target of Republican criticism. He said the criticism wasn't warranted and that the study is both expansive and worthwhile.Those silly Republicans, always so picky and picking on the Democrats, after all the participants in the program will be paid and can make up to $160 at the end of the year. :-J
$2.3 million of the Stimulus Cash was given to the US Forest Service For “Rearing Large Numbers Of Arthropods” Such As “Nasty Invasive Insects Like The Asian Longhorned Beetle, The Nun Moth, And The Infamous ‘Predator Of The Hemlock,’ The Woolly Adelgid.” Rearing “large numbers of arthropods” probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind if you happen to be one of those wacked out 'We The People' types who think maybe, just maybe, federal economic stimulus cash should be used to stimulate the creation of jobs instead of bugs. (“Money For Nothing,” New Haven Advocate, 9/1/09)
$148,438 for Washington State University to analyze the use of marijuana in conjunction with medications like morphine.
$300 APIECE for thousands of signs at road construction sites across the country announcing that the projects are funded by stimulus money.
A $3.4 Million ‘Ecopassage’ To Help Turtles Cross A Highway In Tallahassee, Fla. Hmmm, this is a case where the stimulus money can keep on working for us... After the Turtle Tunnel is finished maybe some of the construction workers can stay on as Turtle Trainers to make sure the turtles use the tunnel instead of crossing the road. Reminds me of a joke: Why did the liberal cross the road? Answer: Nobody knows, because there is no logic to what Liberals do... However, in the near future they will be crossing the road to get away from the mobs of angry Tea Partiers. (“The Challenge In Counting Stimulus Returns,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/27/09)
$1.15 MILLION to install a guardrail for a persistently dry lake bed in Guymon, OK.
$356,000 for Indiana University to study childhood comprehension of foreign accents compared with native speech.
Millions of Internet users have been enjoying the fun -- and free -- services provided by advertiser-supported online social networks like Facebook. Thank goodness (or O'ness?) for Obama money or we might have missed the opportunity to ruin free fun. Landon Cox, a Duke University assistant professor of computer science, worries about possible privacy problems of the social networks and will use the 'half mil' grant to delve deeper into the issue and search for alternatives. (Can we spell Government-Run Facebook?)
(“Seeking Privacy In The Clouds: Research Aims At Isolating Social Network Information From ‘Control Of A Central Entity,’” Science Daily, 10/15/09)
(“Seeking Privacy In The Clouds: Research Aims At Isolating Social Network Information From ‘Control Of A Central Entity,’” Science Daily, 10/15/09)
$1.5 MILLION for a fence to block would-be jumpers from leaping off the All-American Bridge in Akron, Ohio.
$2.5 MILLION in stimulus checks were sent to the deceased. (Think maybe some went to the Jumpers off the All-American Bridge that didn't have a fence?)
Republicans are just so picky, picky, picky... imagine them not understanding why Duluth, MN (with an average of 80.7 inches of snow annually) just can't settle for being #15 on the list of Top 101 Cities with the Highest Average Annual Snowfall. Making more snow to improve their ranking is clearly an admirable expenditure of taxpayer money. (Top 101 Cities With The Highest Average Snowfall In A Year (Population 50,000+)
$173,834 to weatherize eight pickup trucks in Madison County, Illinois.
$20,000 for a fish sperm freezer at the Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery in South Dakota.
“The City Recently Launched A $55,000 Project To Spay And Neuter Pets Owned By Low-Income Residents. Unwanted Pets Ultimately Cost $240 Apiece To Collect, Board And Euthanize, the city estimates, so the program covering 800 animals should save taxpayers money in the long run. The stimulative effect? That is harder to gauge. With the $380,000 added to the rest of Obama Cash that Wichita has received as its share of the stimulus, the city estimates that it is directly funding 32 jobs so far. The bigger job producers, such as construction and transit projects, are due to start in the coming months.” Of course, if the program is successful then workers in Wichita Animal Control will have to be laid off. OOPS, silly me, I forgot the basic Democrat law that doesn't allow any government worker to be laid off, ever. (“The Challenge In Counting Stimulus Returns,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/27/09)$9.38 MILLION to renovate a century-old train depot in Lancaster County, Pa., that has not been used for three decades.
$983,952 for street beautification in Ann Arbor, Mich., including decorative lighting, trees, benches and bike paths.
$462,000 to purchase 22 concrete toilets for use in the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri
$462,000 to purchase 22 concrete toilets for use in the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri
The 75 year old Sunset Boulevard, (aka ‘The Sunset Strip) will Be Getting A $7 million face-lift including a Million Dollar Nose Job courtesy of Uncle Sam. The City of West Hollywood Council received one million dollars in federal funds from the Federal American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), (otherwise known as the $700 billion federal stimulus package), to increase the already nearly $7 million budgeted for this project by an additional $1,105,000. (“Feds Stimulus Sunset Strip Beautification Project,” WeHoNews, 9/28/09)$3.1 MILLION to transform a canal barge into a floating museum that will travel the Erie Canal in New York state.
$1.3 MILLION for government arts jobs in Maine, including $30,000 for basket makers, $20,000 for storytelling and $12,500 for a music festival. What an idea! NEA produces Obama Propaganda, why not the stimulus money too? We can't have enough Obama Baskets, Obama Hymns of Praise and Worship and what a kind and caring program of sending storytellers to the schools so all children can hear stirring TALES of OBAMA!
$1.3 MILLION for government arts jobs in Maine, including $30,000 for basket makers, $20,000 for storytelling and $12,500 for a music festival. What an idea! NEA produces Obama Propaganda, why not the stimulus money too? We can't have enough Obama Baskets, Obama Hymns of Praise and Worship and what a kind and caring program of sending storytellers to the schools so all children can hear stirring TALES of OBAMA!
The large platters of Pork dished up by Congress is proof of why the infamous stimulus did not stimulate anything but a spending spree for socialistic liberals.
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