Practicing US physicians uniting to represent the interests and concerns of both patients and doctors in the health care reform debate. D4PC endorses the concept of needed health care reform, but we recognize it can only be accomplished by proceeding in a cautious and responsible manner. Our recommendations will enable us to reach this goal without requiring the nationalization of the entire American health care system.
1. You can keep your insurance if you like it.
2. You can keep your doctor if you wish.
3. US health care ranks near the bottom of the industrialized world.
4. Major cause of bankruptcies is related to medical expenses.
5. 14,000 people per day are dying due to lack of medical insurance.
6. Most doctors support Obamacare as endorsed by organized medicine (AMA).
7. Senior citizens will not lose any Medicare benefits.
8. Insurance premiums will be reduced for most Americans.
9. This plan will only result in tax increases for the super wealthy.
10. Proposed HC bills are budget "neutral" and will not add to the federal deficit.
11. There are only 2 choices: the current system or Obamacare.
12. The Republicans say NO because they lack and alternative plan.
13. The public "strongly" supports Obamacare and public option.
14. There will not be any rationing in healthcare.
15. The government will not interfere between you and your doctor.
16. Most doctors oppose HCR legislation so they can preserve their income.
17. This is a "crisis" situation and needs to be passed into law immediately.
18. A public option will increase competition and not result in a single payer system.
19. Members of Congress will be subject to the same healthcare as the general public.
20. Contents of the bill will be available to read at least 72 hours prior to a vote.
Every physician takes an oath dedicating oneself to the care of patients. Motivated by this oath, we are compelled to speak out and clarify what we believe are important facts regarding the health care debate. The real facts are not accurately reported to the public. We need to explain to you what the consequences of a new government run health plan will mean to you.
For historical and cultural reasons, physicians have been largely silent on political issues. This has been a mistake. Everyone, including our patients, has misunderstood our reluctance to speak out as silent support for the government’s plan. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We will be silent no longer.
Every physician takes an oath dedicating oneself to the care of patients. Motivated by this oath, we are compelled to speak out and clarify what we believe are important facts regarding the health care debate. The real facts are not accurately reported to the public. We need to explain to you what the consequences of a new government run health plan will mean to you.
For historical and cultural reasons, physicians have been largely silent on political issues. This has been a mistake. Everyone, including our patients, has misunderstood our reluctance to speak out as silent support for the government’s plan. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We will be silent no longer.
The government’s plan is frightening! Here’s what’s going to happen:
- A new government health plan will be created.
- The government will set standards of care.
- Electronic medical records will become a curse, not a blessing.
- (be sure to go to site and read the details)
- No one cares about your health as much as your doctor.
- We don’t have to passively accept the government’s proposed plan.
- We don’t have much time!
- Physicians want health care reform too. But we do not share the government’s vision of government-centered health care.
- 1. Become an informed patient. Do your own research. Learn as much as you can. Talk about it with your co-workers, friends and family. Don’t let the politicians and the media tell you what to think. Don’t assume they know what is best.
- 2. Write your congressman…..NOW. Instructions on how to do this quickly and easily are on the following page.
- 3. Talk to your doctor during your visit today. The more support we get from you, our patients, the bolder we can be.
- 4. Visit We have recently formed a group dedicated to giving practicing physicians a voice in the health care reform process: Docs 4 Patient Care. We add to the web site almost daily. Please visit the web site often and get more information.
Here are the ones to call or email:
Montana’s Max Baucus
North Dakota's Kent Conrad
Connecticut's Chris Dodd
Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln
New York's Kirsten Gillibrand
Indiana's Evan Bayh
North Dakota's Byron Dorgan
Colorado's Michael Bennet
Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter
Oregon's Ron Wyden
Washington's Patty Murray
Nevada's Harry Reid. If Majority Leader Reid turns against the "government option," it is dead.
Here is a suggested text for the letter. Copy and paste this into the “comments” or “message” box:
PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THE OBAMA HEALTH CARE PLAN. Do not believe Obama when he says that creation of a government health plan will not lead to government controlled health care. A government plan will drive private plans out of the market, leaving the public option as the only option. Health care costs will go up, not down. Quality of care will go down, not up. I don't want to wait 6 months to see a physician, and I don't want to be denied care because of government comparative effectiveness rules.
The President wants to ram this down our throats as quickly as possible so we don't even get a chance to talk about it. This is not the American way. Please help slow this process down so we can have a meaningful debate.
Please consider some of the other options on the table including revision of tax laws to allow private individuals to deduct health care premiums.
1 comment:
i respect your opinion, but i am one of the unlucky millions in this country who cannot afford health care.
i haven't had health care for years. and it's a struggle to get treated for ailments, such as a perpetually painful tendon injury to my right wrist, when insurance companies won't cover preexisting conditions.
personally, i am looking forward to the government health care option. canada has it. europe has it. china, russia, japan, australia and new zealand have it. it's about time america stepped into the modern world.
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