Congress may wait to start the Amnesty Debacle after ObamaCare is passed. However, since Illegal Immigration is such a high intensity issue, it will serve as a distraction while the House and Senate version of ObamaCare is being merged behind closed doors.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Obama's "point person" on immigration policy issues, spoke to the liberal-leaning Center for American Progress and reassured them that Obama surely did intend to fulfill his campaign pledge to push for a comprehensive immigration package that would lead to legal status for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.
"We will never have fully effective law enforcement or national security as long as so many millions remain in the shadows," Napolitano said. "The U.S. government has built more than 600 miles of fencing and pedestrian barriers on the 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and more than doubled the ranks of the U.S. Border Patrol, to 20,000 officers," Napolitano said.

She went on to make the argument that because of a shrinking job market and increased enforcement, Border Patrol arrests last year were less than half the 2005 level of 1.2 million this is the ideal time to push for changes. "Trust me: I know a major shift when I see one, and what I have seen makes reform far more attainable this time around."
There are some that would disagree... "It is ironic that a poor economy is their justification for amnesty," said Rep. Lamar Smith, (Texas). "How can they claim that enforcement is 'done' when there are more than 400 open miles of border with Mexico, hundreds of thousands of criminal and fugitive aliens and millions of illegal immigrants taking American jobs?"
Joe Markham of the LA Times:
"The substance of her case is divorced from the reality of America's economy today," said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which opposes creating a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. "The arguments against amnesty are far stronger today than they were in 2007. You have a much tighter job market."It isn't race or ethnicity that bothers most legal residents of this country. It is our failure to make non-hyphenated Americans out of them. Instead of becoming English-speaking Americans, too many are retaining the language, customs, culture and political agendas of their native lands. No nation can long survive such an invasion without assimilation.
Despite Napolitano's optimism about passing reform next year, the 2010 congressional elections remain an obstacle. "Congress does not want to debate amnesty during an election year," said Jon Feere, a legal policy analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors "low-immigration" policies. "The year after that, Obama is looking at reelection himself, and he's not going to want to make immigration an issue." John Vinson, president of the American Immigration Control Foundation, which advocates tough immigration laws, said, "The American people are not sympathetic to people who break laws."
Below are some pictures from past protests...

"Aztlan" — is a movement to establish Hispanic hegemony in the southwestern USA, and then split this region off from the rest of the country. Insights into the movement this concept has inspired can be found at La Voz de Aztlan. The strategy is simple: conquest by immigration. This is basically how the USA ended up with the Southwest in the first place, since this region was once part of Mexico. The difference is, it had not been heavily settled then. Now it is home to three of America's five largest cities (Los Angeles, Houston, Phoenix).
The strategy seems to be working. Los Angeles is considered the capital of "Aztlan." It is now run by a Mayor who was once Chairman of the UCLA chapter of MEChA, a vehemently racist organization devoted to "Reconquista," or the driving of non-Hispanics out of the southwestern quarter of the United States.
Video below was taken when a fight broke out among for and against Amnesty protesters Saturday, November 14... and remember, this is the very beginning of what is promising to be a very hot, contentious issue.
Tea Party Protesters Assaulted by Illegal Alien Amnesty Supporters in Ft. Lauderdale
Supporters of President Obama's Amnesty plans attacked Tea Party Against Amnesty & Illegal Immigration demonstrators in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Sat. November 14, 2009. One of the men attacked is 62 years old. Dave Caulkett of FLIMEN (Floridians for Immigration Enforcement) is assaulted and then kicked in the face while he is down. The other camera man from the Tea Party is hit with several signs. For more information about these assaults please contact Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC via
Those attacking the Americans that oppose Amnesty for illegal aliens were organized by ANSWER Florida. Here is the exact text of their e-mail invitation which was a prelude to these violent assaults on Americans that stand with the 80% of Americans that oppose Amnesty for illegal aliens:
"That is why we are calling on all people to come out tomorrow, to organize a militant confrontation with the so-called "tea baggers." Beating back these forces will require us to organize together, take the streets, fight the racists wherever they show their faces and drive them out of every community."
Protest Tomorrow to Shut Down Racist
"Anti-Amnesty" Rally
Saturday, November 14 12:00PM
Fort Lauderdale, Corner of Oakland Park and Federal Highway
The ANSWER Coalition is calling on all its members, allies, and friends to join us tomorrow to confront and shut down the racist "Anti-Amnesty Tea Party" in Ft. Lauderdale.
The "Anti-Amnesty" rallies being held across the country tomorrow have been initiated by fascist, white supremacist organizations that include the Minutemen and the so-called Americans for Legal Immigration.
... Racism is like anything else in this world: in order to make it fall, you must smash it! That is why we are calling on all people to come out tomorrow, to organize a militant confrontation with the so-called "tea baggers." Beating back these forces will require us to organize together, take the streets, fight the racists wherever they show their faces and drive them out of every community.
The racist demonization of immigrants only serves the interest of the ruling class during this historical economic crisis. The same bankers, CEO's, and politicians, both Democrat and Republican, which have for decades devastated the economies of countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, have once again devastated the economy in this country. The same ruling class that devastates the lives of working people in other nations through war and super-exploitation are the ones throwing workers out of their homes, denying them healthcare, and laying them off from their jobs in this country.
Racism is consciously used as a tool by the ruling class because they know that as long as working people are divided and fighting each other, the people are not fighting the bankers, CEO's, and politicians. Only under a brutal system that puts profit over people can you have a whole section of society whose only crime is being forced from their nations because of imperialism and forced to work in the most hostile of conditions in this country. Only racism can justify this reality.
The continual devastation of working people because of this crisis, however, is not the fault of one group of workers. On October 28th, President Obama signed the largest military budget in U.S. history-$680 billion dollars, which does not include the cost of the criminal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. The new administration is also continuing to hand out the $9.5 trillion dollars in working people's tax dollars to bailout the already rich.
The money to end the suffering of all working people tomorrow is there. It is our choice as to whether we will allow the right of a few to profit from labor of workers to continue, or whether we will rise up as one class of working people to and take political power into our own hands.
We are building a movement that will beat back racism so that working people of all nationalities can unite and fight against our one, shared enemy: capitalism. Amnesty, full rights for ALL immigrants, is a demand that should be raised not just by the immigrant communities, but by every working class community in our struggle to solve this crisis by our own means.
Join us tomorrow, and join us in building the movement against racism and capitalist exploitation! For more information, contact 305-710-3189 or!
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When you see the Mexican flags and flags – other than American flags – being hoisted at these demonstrations, we are getting this message: ‘Yes, we are here illegally. No, we do not believe this to be your country. We do not believe in your laws . . . and we don’t believe you’re going to do anything about it.
Conquered people only have the rights their conquerors and quisling accomplices see fit to dole out to them. If we are not prepared to fight for this country and its constitution we all best get used to being a controlled people working for the enrichment of the State and living on whatever crumbs it decides to let us have.
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