Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers:
Author Unknown - reportedly printed in the London Times Obituaries
Common Sense, the type of information many people believed you were born with, was pronounced dead last night on the floor of the United Nations Security Council. Several high-ranking government officials were there, but nobody noticed its passing for several hours.
For years, Common Sense was responsible for many Americans not using a toaster oven as a bath toy, taking off their clothes before ironing them and not jumping off their roof with a broomstick between their legs after reading Harry Potter.
In the early 1970s, Common Sense began noticing symptoms of his fatal illness when Evel Knievel kept mounting his motorcycle after having broken every bone in his body, at least once. Symptoms worsened in the mid 1990s during a lawsuit by a woman who was burned by coffee. The final blow came in 2002 with the premiere of NBC's hit reality show Fear Factor.
Common Sense is survived by Litigation, its dysfunctional step-cousin. In lieu of flowers, Litigation asks that you send broken glass to children.
Shame, known by many as that painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable or improper, died alone last night of gross neglect.
Since the beginning of history, Shame's many accomplishments over the years are noteworthy. Shame brought the United States into World War II, kept people from finishing the ice cream and, until recently, kept hard-core pornography out of the workplace.
Shame has also been responsible for the death of many of history's most disgraceful figures, including Judas, Oedipus and Roman Polanski, who, while not technically dead, currently resides in France. (2009 Update: Polanski arrested, Hollywood defends)
Shame has been seriously ill for many years, but doctors say it was dealt a significant blow that fateful day in 1995 on the floor of the White House bathroom.
Shame is survived by Conscience, Decency, Civility, Principle and Tact, all of which have been deeply disheartened by Shame's passing. The news of Shame's passing was enough to force the long-suffering friend, Honor, onto life support.
Funeral Services will be held at McElroy Funeral Home. Graveside services will be presided over by Cardinal Bernard Law. In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the National Organization for Women.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- - Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- - Why the early bird gets the worm;
- - Life isn't always fair;
- - and maybe it was my fault.
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers:
- I Know My Rights
- I Want It Now
- Someone Else Is To Blame
- I'm A Victim
Author Unknown - reportedly printed in the London Times Obituaries
This obituary for Common Sense was penned by Glenn Beck in his book The Real America:R.I.P. Common Sense
Common Sense 2003
Common Sense, the type of information many people believed you were born with, was pronounced dead last night on the floor of the United Nations Security Council. Several high-ranking government officials were there, but nobody noticed its passing for several hours.
For years, Common Sense was responsible for many Americans not using a toaster oven as a bath toy, taking off their clothes before ironing them and not jumping off their roof with a broomstick between their legs after reading Harry Potter.
In the early 1970s, Common Sense began noticing symptoms of his fatal illness when Evel Knievel kept mounting his motorcycle after having broken every bone in his body, at least once. Symptoms worsened in the mid 1990s during a lawsuit by a woman who was burned by coffee. The final blow came in 2002 with the premiere of NBC's hit reality show Fear Factor.
Common Sense is survived by Litigation, its dysfunctional step-cousin. In lieu of flowers, Litigation asks that you send broken glass to children.
Also in his book The Real America, Glenn Beck laments the death of Shame.The Death of Shame
Shame 2003
Shame 2003
Shame, known by many as that painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable or improper, died alone last night of gross neglect.
Since the beginning of history, Shame's many accomplishments over the years are noteworthy. Shame brought the United States into World War II, kept people from finishing the ice cream and, until recently, kept hard-core pornography out of the workplace.
Shame has also been responsible for the death of many of history's most disgraceful figures, including Judas, Oedipus and Roman Polanski, who, while not technically dead, currently resides in France. (2009 Update: Polanski arrested, Hollywood defends)
Shame has been seriously ill for many years, but doctors say it was dealt a significant blow that fateful day in 1995 on the floor of the White House bathroom.
Shame is survived by Conscience, Decency, Civility, Principle and Tact, all of which have been deeply disheartened by Shame's passing. The news of Shame's passing was enough to force the long-suffering friend, Honor, onto life support.
Funeral Services will be held at McElroy Funeral Home. Graveside services will be presided over by Cardinal Bernard Law. In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the National Organization for Women.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
NY Times's Frank Rich Finds Anti-Bush Argument in Balloon Boy Saga
By: Clay Waters
NY TIMES: "In Defense of the ‘Balloon Boy' Dad," by Frank Rich
HAT TIP: Patriot Update
SAY NO TO ACORNThe defunding of ACORN passed by Congress will expire this Saturday. We need to hold elected officials feet to the fire and demand a permanent defunding or they will slip it back in while we are busy with something else like the disasterous ObamaCare.
Anti-Fox website takes up ACORN cause
With Congress getting ready to pass a continuing resolution that might -- or might not -- extend the ban on federal funds for ACORN, there's a new campaign urging lawmakers to restore federal funding for the community organizing group. The website DeFOX America, which is devoted both to attacking Fox News and defending ACORN, is asking readers to sign a petition urging Congress "to stand up to [Fox's] McCarthyite tactics by voting against any unconstitutional legislation that singles out specific organizations. This includes the continuing resolution that cuts off Federal support to the national anti-poverty group ACORN."SCREEN CAPTURE OF THE DEFOX AMERICA WEBSITE
I reported yesterday that the congressional defunding of ACORN, which some observers assumed was permanent, was actually written to last just for the duration of the current continuing resolution that keeps money flowing to the federal government. That resolution expires at midnight October 31...

Americans for Prosperity-IL have been running ads on cable tv and internet this week, pointing out the problems and connections with the public sector unions and community organizing groups such as ACORN. They're collecting signatures to present to Governor Quinn this week in Springfield. Go to today to be included in the public outrage against bestowing more power on ACORN.
BIAS? WHAT BIAS?Katie Couric, bless her heart, is worried about the GOP being hijacked by the likes of Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. Check out this report from Media Research Center:
Couric: GOP 'Hijacked' by 'Far-Right Conservatives...Like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin'
Another Media Research Center Report alerts us to Media Bias in the reporting of Obama awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to the first popularly-elected Black US Senator, Edward Brooke.
ABC anchor Charles Gibson on Wednesday night had time to convey President Barack Obama's praise of Edward Brooke for “breaking barriers” as the first popularly-elected black U.S. Senator, but not to inform viewers he broke that barrier as a Republican.
NBC's David Gregory noted Brooke's party affiliation: “The Massachusetts Republican urged the lawmakers who gathered to congratulate him to put aside partisan differences and work together.”
Neither network mentioned that Brooke was defeated in 1978 by a darling of left, Paul Tsongas, who was a white guy. They also did not mention that the award for Brooke was approved over a year ago.
List of all Congressional Gold Metal Recipients
CBS did not report the story on their Evening News at all.
INDOCTRINATION? WHAT INDOCTRINATION?In case you missed it, here is the video clip of O'Reilly playing the cross dressing cartoon being shown to California school kids.
OBAMA GOLF UPDATE "While the President golfs Afghanistan, once a necessary war, is downgraded to someone else's mess." -- James Taranto, Best of the Web, WSJ
Politico reports: Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
CBS' Mark Knoller -- an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related--wrote on his Twitter feed [Saturday] that, "Today - Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months."
Associated Press reports from Kabul that "eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb attacks Tuesday in southern Afghanistan, making October the deadliest month of the war for U.S. forces since the 2001 invasion to oust the Taliban."
The downgrade from The Good, Necessary War to Someone Else's Mess came via White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who told CNN:
It's clear that basically we had a war for eight years that was going on, that's adrift. That we're beginning at scratch, and just from the starting point, after eight years. . . . Before you commit troops, which is--not irreversible, but puts you down a certain path--before you make that decision, there's a set of questions that have to have answers that have never been asked. And it's clear after eight years of war, that's basically starting from the beginning, and those questions never got asked. And what I find interesting and just intriguing from this debate in Washington, is that a lot of people who all of a sudden say, this is now the epicenter of the war on terror, you must do this now, immediately approve what the general said--where, before, it never even got on the radar screen for them.James Taranto asks and reports:
Hang on a second. It has now been 51 weeks since Obama was elected president, and more than nine months since he took office, and he's just now getting around to asking the "questions . . . that have never been asked"?
But that's not really fair to Obama. After all, he has a busy schedule, what with golf games and pitching the International Olympic Committee and date nights and Democratic fund-raisers and health care and the U.N. Security Council and Sunday morning talk shows and saving the planet from global warming and celebrating the dog's birthday and defending himself against Fox News and all.
"I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way," quotes the president as telling servicemen. As for the servicemen who are already in harm's way: Jeez, guys, be patient! He'll figure out what to do about Afghanistan as soon as he gets around to it.
Then again, when he accepted the nomination for president back in August 2008, he seemed to know just what to do:
***** QUOTE *****
When John McCain said we could just "muddle through" in Afghanistan, I argued for more resources and more troops to finish the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11, and made clear that we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights. John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell--but he won't even go to the cave where he lives. . . .
I will . . . finish the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan.
***** END QUOTE *****
As John Kerry* once said, "You could get whiplash watching the administration policy on Afghanistan change from day to day."
* The haughty, French-looking Massachusetts Democrat who, by the way, served in Vietnam.
attack on fox,
blame Bush,
media bias,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bias? What Bias?
In an article for NewsBusters, Brent Baker notes that even though Obama has declared H1N1 a national emergency, he has escaped any blame for the vaccine shortage by the media or elected officials (unless of course it just hasn't been reported.)
CBS Evening News, fill-in anchor Harry Smith reported: “Now to the H1N1 flu. Federal health officials admitted today their projected timetable for producing the vaccine was way off.”
Substituting on the NBC Nightly News, Ann Curry blandly announced: “President Obama declared the swine flu pandemic a national emergency over the weekend, but still the amount of vaccine to protect against it is running way behind what the government had promised.”
ABC, Charles Gibson, the only regular anchor working Monday night, also avoided placing any blame: “The government originally predicted 40 million doses of vaccine would be available by the end of October, now says there will only about 28 million. And people who want the vaccine are finding tremendous difficulty getting any information about when and where it will be available...”
ABC Reporter John McKenzie named a government agency instead of the Obama administration: “Even members of Congress, hearing from so many frustrated Americans today called on the Centers for Disease Control, to do a better job communicating where and when people can find this elusive vaccine.”
One can only imagine how the media would have treated George Bush in the same situation. But wait... we don't have to imagine because a flu vaccine shortage did happen while Bush was president. Samples of the Media coverage:
Since American companies are not making and distributing vaccines in the US any more, the hang up could be because the world isn't over hating Bush (after all they didn't give Chicago the Olympics.) Maybe someone actually has found a way to blame Bush, I might need to cruise some more... Although, I am sure they will get around to it if Fox News starts asking too many uncomfortable questions.
Seems like a curious journalist would start to wonder why there are shortages, since Bush isn't being blamed. (Although, I am sure they will get around to it if Fox News starts asking too many uncomfortable questions.) I did find a 2001 USA Today article that suggests an possible answer...
If car makers were suddenly faced with a law that limits the amount of money they can charge for a car, how many car makers are going to keep producing cars, while losing money? It's common sense, but as we know, that seems to be in short supply these days.
CBS Evening News, fill-in anchor Harry Smith reported: “Now to the H1N1 flu. Federal health officials admitted today their projected timetable for producing the vaccine was way off.”
Substituting on the NBC Nightly News, Ann Curry blandly announced: “President Obama declared the swine flu pandemic a national emergency over the weekend, but still the amount of vaccine to protect against it is running way behind what the government had promised.”
ABC, Charles Gibson, the only regular anchor working Monday night, also avoided placing any blame: “The government originally predicted 40 million doses of vaccine would be available by the end of October, now says there will only about 28 million. And people who want the vaccine are finding tremendous difficulty getting any information about when and where it will be available...”
ABC Reporter John McKenzie named a government agency instead of the Obama administration: “Even members of Congress, hearing from so many frustrated Americans today called on the Centers for Disease Control, to do a better job communicating where and when people can find this elusive vaccine.”
One can only imagine how the media would have treated George Bush in the same situation. But wait... we don't have to imagine because a flu vaccine shortage did happen while Bush was president. Samples of the Media coverage:
Houston Chronicle's Cragg Hines: The Bush administration has blamed the current vaccine shortage on virtually everyone but itself. A favorite whipping boy is, of course, trial lawyers and liability suits against pharmaceutical housesOkay, so, what is the reason for the shortage? What did the Bush administration actually do to cause a shortage, in an election year? What might the root cause might be? The lack of intellectual curiosity by the media, then and now, isn't surprising, I just wonder how they missed Blaming Bush for this shortage... after all if Bush had not allowed Katrina to hit New Orleans there would probably be lots of vaccine.
Thompson: No flu crisis; Ex-Wisconsin governor, visiting Dubuque, talks about vaccine shortage
Telegraph - Herald (Dubuque) ...with dire predictions of a flu vaccine shortage. "The flu vaccine is not a crisis... campaign tour. "The fact is that George Bush was warned three years ago that we could face a flu vaccine shortage and he did nothing about it,"
AP Online: Flu Vaccine Shortage Sways 2004 Campaign
AP Online: ...the last several days, the vaccine shortage has become a political issue... The vaccine shortage became public two weeks ago...
Daily Breeze: Kerry points to Bush on vaccine shortage
Telegraph - Herald (Dubuque) Vaccine shortage affects election; Bush defends his administration while Kerry tries to hold him responsible for loss of doses
Telegraph - Herald (Dubuque) ...President Bush's fault. Over the last several days, the vaccine shortage has been injected squarely into the presidential're a young child, if you're a pregnant woman, George Bush and the Republicans have this to say on health care...
U.S. Newswire: George Bush: Failing To Protect Americans' Health; Failed to Take Action to Prevent Flu Crisis, Says Kerry Campaign
U.S. Newswire: ...around the corner, George Bush has again failed to plan for a vaccine shortage, leaving millions avert a disastrous vaccine shortage."
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather: The big question facing doctors is what will the vaccine shortage mean in terms of actual risk to the public? ...John Kerry was quick to point out this happened on George Bush`s watch."
NPR All Things Considered: "John Kerry lays out his plan for dealing with the flu vaccine shortage"
NPR All Things Considered: "...John Kerry lays out his plan for dealing with the flu vaccine shortage Host: MICHELE NORRIS, ...system to decide who's going to get a flu shot. So now George Bush is telling us you got to get lucky to get health care in..."
The Christian Science Monitor: A month of mini 'October surprises'; A flurry of revelations, from Iraq's missing explosives to the flu vaccine shortage, have touched this year's presidential race. (USA)
The Christian Science Monitor: "...The Kerry campaign issued an immediate response: "George Bush's hypocrisy knows no bounds. On the same day that his ...that have worked against the president include the flu-vaccine shortage, oil prices, and a stock market below 10,000."
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather: Candidates Blame Bush for Flu Vaccine Shortage
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather: "... system to decide who`s going to get a flu shot. So now, George Bush is telling us, 'You got to get lucky to get health care ...vaccinations during this upcoming season.' ... A George Bush mess. ACOSTA: The next day, a new Kerry ad was born"
Chicago Sun-Times: "Vaccine shortage gets political Cheney says lawsuits helped create flu woes as Durbin joins fray."
Chicago Sun-Times: "Seniors and children wait. Not enough vaccines for pregnant women. The Kerry ad ends with the kicker: 'A George Bush mess. It's time for a new direction.' Kerry followed up Monday during a speech on health care by alleging that the administration... "
Since American companies are not making and distributing vaccines in the US any more, the hang up could be because the world isn't over hating Bush (after all they didn't give Chicago the Olympics.) Maybe someone actually has found a way to blame Bush, I might need to cruise some more... Although, I am sure they will get around to it if Fox News starts asking too many uncomfortable questions.
Seems like a curious journalist would start to wonder why there are shortages, since Bush isn't being blamed. (Although, I am sure they will get around to it if Fox News starts asking too many uncomfortable questions.) I did find a 2001 USA Today article that suggests an possible answer...
"...Price caps also hinder production, the group says. "Most of the vaccine market is effectively price-controlled, so there is not a true market for vaccines," says Sara Radcliffe, research director for PhRMA. She said those controls help explain why the number of vaccine makers has dropped from a dozen 15 years ago to four today.Hmmm... A 1994 law that capped the price of vaccines? Now who was in office in 1994?
Radcliffe's concern about vaccine price controls stems from federal legislation enacted in 1994. The law capped at 1993 levels the prices of childhood vaccines bought for use in public health centers through a national contracting system overseen by the CDC. From 50% to 60% of all vaccines for children are purchased through such arrangements."
If car makers were suddenly faced with a law that limits the amount of money they can charge for a car, how many car makers are going to keep producing cars, while losing money? It's common sense, but as we know, that seems to be in short supply these days.
blame Bush,
flu vaccine shortage,
media bias
Monday, October 26, 2009
This will make you want to stand up and cheer
I don't know where this was taken, but I am guessing Nascar... wherever, it is one of the most spectacular presentation of colors you will see... It is worth the wait
Hat Tip: Patriots Coalition
Hat Tip: Patriots Coalition
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pray for our country and leaders
I ran across the prayer below while I was cruising online and was reminded that Christians are instructed to pray for those that are in authority over us.
The specific scripture is 1Timothy 2:1-2 which says: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
The specific scripture is 1Timothy 2:1-2 which says: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Lord, who grants salvation to kings and dominion to rulers,
Whose kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternities;
Who places a road in the sea and a path in the waters
may You bless the President, the Vice President, and
all the constituted officers of government of this land.
May they execute their responsibilities
with intelligence, honor and compassion.
And may these United States continue to be
the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Mr. Monday has used his fame and national good will to show support for US soldiers and families of fallen soldiers. He and his family are actively involved with the Patriot Guard Riders who "are a nation wide group of motorcycle riders with the mission of attending the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family where they show their respect for our fallen heroes and their families while shielding the mourning family and friends from interruptions created by protesters using strictly legal and non-violent means."
patriot guard,
rick monday,
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned - And Obama?
There is been much speculation on exactly what Obama is doing during this delay on making a decision about Afghanistan. Some, like VP Cheney thinks Obama is dithering.
dither - A state of indecisive agitation. To be uncertain or unable to make a decision about something;
dithering - To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing
I was thinking that diddling is a good description of Obama's state of mind and action.
diddling - 1. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination. 2. to waste (as time) in a trifling manner. 3. hoax, swindle. 4. to copulate with or masturbate
1. Obama could be using the delay for political manipulation. He could be putting off making a decision until after the ObamaCare vote since whatever the decision, some Democrat faction will be unhappy.
2. Maybe he just can't stay focused.
3. He may be looking for a way to set up a flip-flop.
4. Obama might just be screwing the country as usual.
Fiddle around: Waste time doing silly things, or unsuccessful things
Even if there is no ulterior motive, Obama is wasting precious time and hurting our soldiers.
Fiddle while Rome burns: To do nothing or something trivial while knowing that something disastrous is happening. (From a legend that the Roman emperor Nero played the lyre while Rome was burning.)
A superficial and unscholarly comparison between Nero and Obama does give one pause, particularly in considering what long-term effects Obama's presidency will have on the US.
Nero is known for: his mad self-indulgence; cruelty; arrogance; outrageous and dangerous behavior; blaming the fire he set in Rome on the Christians; high living with disregard for the needs of his subjects; killing his mother when she became inconvenience.
Obama... Chicago Olympics Bid Gets Higher Priority than War In Afghanistan, 5 Video Tapes, New White House Office, South Lawn Event, Rose Garden Event, Lobbying Efforts At UN And G-20, Numerous Phone Calls, And $112,000 Flight To Copenhagen With 2 Cabinet Officials And A U.S. Senator.
Instead of adoring his own image, Obama loves to hear himself talk – about himself. In just 41 speeches so far this year, not including this week’s big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times – 1,198 to be exact. (That breaks down to 1,121 “I”s and just 77 “me”s.) And that just includes 34 weekly addresses and his seven major speeches. Count the hundreds of other public speeches and he’d be off the charts….
Obama's attack mentality and Chicago Style Thuggery is well documented. His egotistical arrogance is demonstrated by how openly he attacks, intimidates and exacts retribution.
“Do I live for the people or do the people live for me? … These people expect me to shine both day and night!” --Peter Ustinov as Nero in Quo Vadis
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
“People of Berlin - people of the world - this is our moment. This is our time.”
“America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page of the policies of the past.”
dither - A state of indecisive agitation. To be uncertain or unable to make a decision about something;
dithering - To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing
I was thinking that diddling is a good description of Obama's state of mind and action.
diddling - 1. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination. 2. to waste (as time) in a trifling manner. 3. hoax, swindle. 4. to copulate with or masturbate
1. Obama could be using the delay for political manipulation. He could be putting off making a decision until after the ObamaCare vote since whatever the decision, some Democrat faction will be unhappy.
2. Maybe he just can't stay focused.
3. He may be looking for a way to set up a flip-flop.
4. Obama might just be screwing the country as usual.
Fiddle around: Waste time doing silly things, or unsuccessful things
Even if there is no ulterior motive, Obama is wasting precious time and hurting our soldiers.

A superficial and unscholarly comparison between Nero and Obama does give one pause, particularly in considering what long-term effects Obama's presidency will have on the US.
Nero is known for: his mad self-indulgence; cruelty; arrogance; outrageous and dangerous behavior; blaming the fire he set in Rome on the Christians; high living with disregard for the needs of his subjects; killing his mother when she became inconvenience.
Obama... Chicago Olympics Bid Gets Higher Priority than War In Afghanistan, 5 Video Tapes, New White House Office, South Lawn Event, Rose Garden Event, Lobbying Efforts At UN And G-20, Numerous Phone Calls, And $112,000 Flight To Copenhagen With 2 Cabinet Officials And A U.S. Senator.
Instead of adoring his own image, Obama loves to hear himself talk – about himself. In just 41 speeches so far this year, not including this week’s big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times – 1,198 to be exact. (That breaks down to 1,121 “I”s and just 77 “me”s.) And that just includes 34 weekly addresses and his seven major speeches. Count the hundreds of other public speeches and he’d be off the charts….
Obama's attack mentality and Chicago Style Thuggery is well documented. His egotistical arrogance is demonstrated by how openly he attacks, intimidates and exacts retribution.
“Do I live for the people or do the people live for me? … These people expect me to shine both day and night!” --Peter Ustinov as Nero in Quo Vadis
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
“People of Berlin - people of the world - this is our moment. This is our time.”
“America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page of the policies of the past.”
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Little Miss Attila has figured out why Obama seems so confused about Afghanistan.
“Unfortunately, When They Said Afghanistan . . . Obama thought they were discussing a crocheted blanket draped over the back of the couch.”
Yousef al-Shihri, a former Gitmo detainee and now a member of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
What is even more scary is that Obama and his Moonbat followers want to turn more of these guys loose, or move them to the US. Are we so thrilled that we are one step closer to making the Demwits dream, of letting all the terrorists free, come true?
Read more at LongWarJournal
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, is blaming the Republicans for blocking the passage of his Medicare measure that would have prevented a 20% drop in reimbursement rates for physicians. "I want everyone within the sound of my voice to understand that Washington is being driven by a small number of people on that side of the aisle that are preventing us from doing things that help the American people," Reid said.
He made no mention of the 13 Democrats who sided with Republicans with statements of concern over ballooning deficits and budget overruns, nor that the Medicare measure failed to get even a simple majority of senators.
Do all Democrats have some kind of demwit gene that makes them look for someone to blame whenever they don't get their way?
Little Miss Attila has figured out why Obama seems so confused about Afghanistan.
“Unfortunately, When They Said Afghanistan . . . Obama thought they were discussing a crocheted blanket draped over the back of the couch.”
SCARY LOOKING TERRORISTWhat is even more scary is that Obama and his Moonbat followers want to turn more of these guys loose, or move them to the US. Are we so thrilled that we are one step closer to making the Demwits dream, of letting all the terrorists free, come true?
Read more at LongWarJournal
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, is blaming the Republicans for blocking the passage of his Medicare measure that would have prevented a 20% drop in reimbursement rates for physicians. "I want everyone within the sound of my voice to understand that Washington is being driven by a small number of people on that side of the aisle that are preventing us from doing things that help the American people," Reid said.
He made no mention of the 13 Democrats who sided with Republicans with statements of concern over ballooning deficits and budget overruns, nor that the Medicare measure failed to get even a simple majority of senators.
Do all Democrats have some kind of demwit gene that makes them look for someone to blame whenever they don't get their way?
Eric Williamson faces an indecent exposure charge after a passerby saw him in the buff in his own home making coffee. It happened at 5:30 a.m. Monday. The woman and 7-year-old boy who saw him naked apparently had cut through Williamson's front yard from a nearby path. Williamson, 29, says he didn't know anyone could see him while he was in the kitchen fixing a cup of coffee.
I can understand someone not wanting their young children to be exposed to nude strangers, but to file charges against a nekkid guy chilling out in his kitchen that she would not have even seen if she wasn't trespassing on private property and looking into a stranger's window? What is wrong with this picture?
Eric Williamson faces an indecent exposure charge after a passerby saw him in the buff in his own home making coffee. It happened at 5:30 a.m. Monday. The woman and 7-year-old boy who saw him naked apparently had cut through Williamson's front yard from a nearby path. Williamson, 29, says he didn't know anyone could see him while he was in the kitchen fixing a cup of coffee.
I can understand someone not wanting their young children to be exposed to nude strangers, but to file charges against a nekkid guy chilling out in his kitchen that she would not have even seen if she wasn't trespassing on private property and looking into a stranger's window? What is wrong with this picture?
The majority opinion concerning Obama's purpose in picking a fight with Fox is that Team Obama is taking a page from Saul Alinsky's manifesto Rules for Radicals. Alinksy, a left-wing community organizer and author, advised his acolytes to "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.' "
Glenn Beck and a few others are agreeing with me (even though they don't know it since I am not on their radar.) I did a piece that makes the case that the war on Fox is a sleight-of-hand tactic that Obama the Master Prestidigitator is using to misdirect the country's focus. A number of other pundits are also following this logic so I am quite sure we are on target even if our guesses as to Obama's purpose are different.
The majority opinion concerning Obama's purpose in picking a fight with Fox is that Team Obama is taking a page from Saul Alinsky's manifesto Rules for Radicals. Alinksy, a left-wing community organizer and author, advised his acolytes to "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.' "
Glenn Beck and a few others are agreeing with me (even though they don't know it since I am not on their radar.) I did a piece that makes the case that the war on Fox is a sleight-of-hand tactic that Obama the Master Prestidigitator is using to misdirect the country's focus. A number of other pundits are also following this logic so I am quite sure we are on target even if our guesses as to Obama's purpose are different.
Matt Lewis, in Politics Daily thinks this is a "wag-the-dog" circumstance. "In the now-classic 1997 political film "Wag the Dog," the president's spin-doctors advisers (played brilliantly by Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman) invent a bogus war with Albania in order to take the focus off a nascent sex scandal that could doom the president's re-election. It works brilliantly, at least in Hollywood's telling. In real life, dropping bombs on a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan and an empty terrorist camp in Afghanistan didn't work as well for President Clinton. But political attack dogs are nothing if not derivative.
"Might Obama's team have invented the "War on Fox" to distract liberals? It gives his base something to be happy about, even as they face concessions on health care and Afghanistan. Liberals who have been irritated by the news channel over the years can justify continued support of Obama by saying, "At least he stuck it to Fox!"
"Might Obama's team have invented the "War on Fox" to distract liberals? It gives his base something to be happy about, even as they face concessions on health care and Afghanistan. Liberals who have been irritated by the news channel over the years can justify continued support of Obama by saying, "At least he stuck it to Fox!"
ConWebBlog, (your New Media watchdog) is a Moonbat attempt at exposing the right side of the blogosphere. One huge scoop that had them wiggling and practically wetting their pants with pure esctacy. They caught WorldNetDaily in a huge headline error: "A 3-Letter Word -- jobs!"
If they had bothered to read the commentary that was discussing where DC's focus should be (one being jobs) they would have seen that WND was quoting then-candidate VP Biden who had used the line in an October 15, 2008 appearance in Athens, Ohio.
With the economy floundering, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., told Ohio voters today that he and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., would focus on one specific issue that Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has neglected.
"Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S," the Democratic veep nominee said at a morning rally in Athens., oh so funny, Moonbat site "Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid" gave WND his "Conz-Iz-Excellent-Spellerz" award. One of the commentators asked:
"Now that we all know World Net Daily was in fact mocking Biden’s gaffe….Until next time I hit the superhighway to cruise for the wild, wonderful, whacked out and WTH sites on the WWW.
1) Do they still get a Win? Or does it revert to Biden?
2) Or to anyone who couldn’t figure it out by reading the article beyond the headline?
3) Or do we get all huffy and defensive and explain that mocking and derision over an inability to count letters is unacceptable when it’s a decent non-conservative getting mocked?"
blame game,
fox news,
prude. prestidigitator,
wag the dog
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Obama is making a list, and he's checking it twice
Say Nice Things or Shut Up, Be Happy, Be Afraid, Obey
or you will go on my BAD LIST and you WILL be punished.

The Enemy List they have compiled include the Republicans (of course), Tea Party Patriots, Townhallers, banks and investment houses, Humana and other insurers who don't support ObamaCare (unlike AARP who heeled like good little pets), the bondholders who resisted the GM and Chrysler bailouts, and Fox News. The Thug tactics have included much more than mere words.
Any right-wing, conservative group or person is on the list by default: The Department of Homeland Security issued a document warning counter-terrorism and law enforcement authorities of an alleged threat to the U.S. posed by “domestic right-wing terrorists.” Included in the group of potential right-wing terrorists are individuals who are pro-life, support the Second Amendment and oppose the flood of illegal aliens. The DHS pamphlet also singled out military veterans for possible recruitment into domestic terrorist cells.
The Thug tactics have included much more than mere words. The 789 Chrysler dealerships that were ordered closed by the White House had owners who donated to GOP candidates, Republican-leaning causes or donated to Hillary Clinton or John Edwards during the Democratic presidential primaries. Fox News was denied interviews. Negative rumor campaigns were conducted, Rush had his own that was dubbed "Rushbo."
Banks, businesses and insurance companies that did not play ball were subjected to investigations, regulators and threats to rescind licenses and other strong-arm activities. Just today Congress voted to end anti-trust protections for Insurance Companies.
One recent addition to Obama's Enemy List has been US Chamber of Commerce. In the last few weeks, Obama's Moonbat Militia (such as MSNBC) have taken pot shots and conducted covert attacks against the USCC and the White House fired a few warning shots over the their bow; but since the Chamber has not been scared into submission the attacks have been intensified.
In addition to the war of words with the administration, the Chamber has been victim of a hoax by a Moonbat group called the Yes Men.
The American Spectator has been discussing Obama's Enemy List and Chicago Style Thuggery since the campaign in 2008 and made some ominous predictions that have come to pass:
"Imagine the gross violations against political speech that may very well occur when there are no checks and balances from a sycophantic Congress and there is complicity from the national news gatekeepers. The public may be very surprised at the lengths the Obama Administration may pursue to silence critics. Moreover, the self-anointed Praetorian Guard of the First Amendment will conveniently develop a case of amnesia regarding on which side of the debate they fall when it comes to press freedoms. Do not expect to see the New York Times editorialize against Obama and the Congress when it comes to protecting free speech rights aside from its own and that of like-minded, liberally-biased press outlets."The White House's attempts to neuter the US Chamber of Commerce and demonize Fox News led Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) to issue a stern warning to Obama. Alexander is the last Nixon White House aide still in public service, and, as he pointed out, he knows how bad things can get when a president has an Enemy List.
White House officials offer no apologies for their aggressive tactics. "The best analogy is probably baseball," says Gibbs. "The only way to get somebody to stop crowding the plate is to throw a fastball at them. They move."
Click on READ MORE for links to commentary about the Enemy List and Chicago Style Politics.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Liberal Laws for Handling the Opposition
Liberal Law #1: Don't Debate... Define and Dominate
Debating the opposition gives them a platform from which someone might listen to and, even worse, agree with them. If debate cannot be avoided then dominate by using the other Laws that address specific ploys designed to define the debate.
Liberal Law #2: Kitchen Sink Approach
If you need to stop a rapidly growing swell of opposition, throw out everything at once, including the Kitchen Sink. Examples of this would be the attacks against Republicans and Teabaggers.
Liberal Law #3: Coordinate Your Attacks
Sometimes when accusations are thrown out by many sources (media, elected officials, leaders liberal organizations etc.) it can overwhelm the opposition and put them on the defense instead of offense. Good tactic against both the very strong and the very weak.
Liberal Law #4: Exaggerate Everything
If you have an actual situation, quote or scandal to criticize, exaggerate it to the extreme and toss in as many additional accusations that fit the circumstances.
Liberal Law #5: Do the Twist
If a real situation or quote is not available or appropriate for your needs, then twist the circumstances or words to fit your needs.
Liberal Law #6: LIE
If you don't have anything to use against an opponent, just make something up. Remember, if you say a lie loud enough and long enough, it becomes accepted as truth. The best lie is one that many will assume is true. (Example: Rush said he hates Blacks.) If you have to toss out a lie on the spur of the moment, don't worry about it. The media and fellow liberals have your back. Even if Fox News and other conservative pundits provide proof that you lied, the Liberal Machine will find a way to excuse you and blame a conservative.
Liberal Law #7: Accuse Opposition of being Racist
Racism is a ploy that can be used against anyone criticizing the president or his policies. It is also a useful ploy that can be used to combat criticism of any Black liberal or program that is suppose to help the poor or minorities.
Liberal Law #8: Label Opposition as Extremists
Extremist can be used in most cases that racism might not be appropriate or it can be used in conjunction with racism ie. KKK. The label extremist is most effective when a conservative celebrity, group or organization is gaining too much attention or influence. Many adjectives can be used along with the Extremist label such as: radical, far-right, fringe element, wackos, dangerous dissenters, angry mobs, Rush or Beck Followers, Teabaggers, gun-toters, etc.
Liberal Law #9: Call the Opposition Terrorists
This is a ploy to escalate accusations of extremism. It is brought into play by various methods. You can make a direct accusation or indirectly by implication and comparison.
Liberal Law #10: Turn the Tables
If you are accused or criticized, immediately 'turn the table' and accuse the opposition of doing the same thing, only worse and first. If it isn't true, see Liberal Law #6.
Liberal Law #11: Retribution & Threats
Use whatever you can that will inflict the most pain and suffering and make the opposition think twice about opposing Liberals. This could be a boycot, smear campaign, governmental agency attacks (licensing, regulators, IRS, background checks etc.) The threat of retribution is sometimes enough to prevent opposition.
Liberal Law #12: Shut the Opposition Up
If you are face to face with the opposition and none of the other ploys seem to be working then you may need to shut up the opposition by more unconventional means. Some possibilities:
Debating the opposition gives them a platform from which someone might listen to and, even worse, agree with them. If debate cannot be avoided then dominate by using the other Laws that address specific ploys designed to define the debate.
Liberal Law #2: Kitchen Sink Approach
If you need to stop a rapidly growing swell of opposition, throw out everything at once, including the Kitchen Sink. Examples of this would be the attacks against Republicans and Teabaggers.
Liberal Law #3: Coordinate Your Attacks
Sometimes when accusations are thrown out by many sources (media, elected officials, leaders liberal organizations etc.) it can overwhelm the opposition and put them on the defense instead of offense. Good tactic against both the very strong and the very weak.
Liberal Law #4: Exaggerate Everything
If you have an actual situation, quote or scandal to criticize, exaggerate it to the extreme and toss in as many additional accusations that fit the circumstances.
Liberal Law #5: Do the Twist
If a real situation or quote is not available or appropriate for your needs, then twist the circumstances or words to fit your needs.
Liberal Law #6: LIE
If you don't have anything to use against an opponent, just make something up. Remember, if you say a lie loud enough and long enough, it becomes accepted as truth. The best lie is one that many will assume is true. (Example: Rush said he hates Blacks.) If you have to toss out a lie on the spur of the moment, don't worry about it. The media and fellow liberals have your back. Even if Fox News and other conservative pundits provide proof that you lied, the Liberal Machine will find a way to excuse you and blame a conservative.
Liberal Law #7: Accuse Opposition of being Racist
Racism is a ploy that can be used against anyone criticizing the president or his policies. It is also a useful ploy that can be used to combat criticism of any Black liberal or program that is suppose to help the poor or minorities.
Liberal Law #8: Label Opposition as Extremists
Extremist can be used in most cases that racism might not be appropriate or it can be used in conjunction with racism ie. KKK. The label extremist is most effective when a conservative celebrity, group or organization is gaining too much attention or influence. Many adjectives can be used along with the Extremist label such as: radical, far-right, fringe element, wackos, dangerous dissenters, angry mobs, Rush or Beck Followers, Teabaggers, gun-toters, etc.
Liberal Law #9: Call the Opposition Terrorists
This is a ploy to escalate accusations of extremism. It is brought into play by various methods. You can make a direct accusation or indirectly by implication and comparison.
Liberal Law #10: Turn the Tables
If you are accused or criticized, immediately 'turn the table' and accuse the opposition of doing the same thing, only worse and first. If it isn't true, see Liberal Law #6.
Liberal Law #11: Retribution & Threats
Use whatever you can that will inflict the most pain and suffering and make the opposition think twice about opposing Liberals. This could be a boycot, smear campaign, governmental agency attacks (licensing, regulators, IRS, background checks etc.) The threat of retribution is sometimes enough to prevent opposition.
Liberal Law #12: Shut the Opposition Up
If you are face to face with the opposition and none of the other ploys seem to be working then you may need to shut up the opposition by more unconventional means. Some possibilities:
- Drowning them out (shout louder, make loud noises; drumming, etc.)
- Don't allow the opposition a chance to speak (don't allow them in or remove them from meetings, don't interview or call on them, etc)
- Storm away in anger when in a situation you can't control... make sure to blame the opposition for being unfair, unreasonable and unacceptable.
Obama the Prestidigitator

I was scratching my head along with everyone else until it finally struck me... Obama declared war on Fox News Channel because he is a prestidigitator. He knows he can't shut down Fox, but the attention it garners keeps focus off his other attacks on freedom of speech. His lefty agendas have a better chance of succeeding by using sleight of hand. Examples of the misdirection could be such things as: regulation of rumors and the Internet, bail-out of newspapers (officially making them state-run media), instituting regulations and fees that will effectively destroy talk radio, and God only knows what else might be up his sleeve.
Now I am wondering how else Obama might be using his street magic.
But, still and all, the Obama vs Fox show is quite entertaining. It will be interesting to see how it plays itself out. Click on Read More for a run-down on the reactions (some will surprise you) and links to some articles that I particularly for interesting.
attack on fox,
fox news,
PATRIOT ALERT: Free Speech may soon be just a Fond Memory
The attack on free speech in America is not some conspiracy theory being espoused by paranoid, tin-foil hatted, nut jobs. It is not some Orwellian scenario that might occur sometime in the future. Censorship in America is happening right now, right under our noses.
Those that don't listen to Fox News Channel or read alternative news sources online, may not realize just how severe and organized the attack has been. As a political junkie, history buff and retired journalist; I have been appalled, angered and outraged by this threat against one of our most cherished fundamental freedoms.
But what is most frightening is that the war is now being waged with little or no attempt at subterfuge. The Obama Political Machine has not only openly declared warfare on Fox News, they are also commanding their media lapdogs to heel.
It is distressing to me that even media giants, the once fierce and powerful watchdogs for We The People have become lapdogs; giving up their honorable calling in exchange for a pat on the head, rub behind the ears and a "Good Boy" from His O'liness.
Be not deceived, this Declaration of War against Fox News Channel is only the most recent conflict in a decades long, progressively escalating, assault against our freedoms by the Progressives (formerly known as Liberals.) They have thoroughly infiltrated many areas of American life, such as: Arts & Entertainment, Education, Unions, and the Main Stream Media (now known in this Republic of Loriland as the Marginal Sycophant Media.)
Those that don't listen to Fox News Channel or read alternative news sources online, may not realize just how severe and organized the attack has been. As a political junkie, history buff and retired journalist; I have been appalled, angered and outraged by this threat against one of our most cherished fundamental freedoms.
But what is most frightening is that the war is now being waged with little or no attempt at subterfuge. The Obama Political Machine has not only openly declared warfare on Fox News, they are also commanding their media lapdogs to heel.
It is distressing to me that even media giants, the once fierce and powerful watchdogs for We The People have become lapdogs; giving up their honorable calling in exchange for a pat on the head, rub behind the ears and a "Good Boy" from His O'liness.
Be not deceived, this Declaration of War against Fox News Channel is only the most recent conflict in a decades long, progressively escalating, assault against our freedoms by the Progressives (formerly known as Liberals.) They have thoroughly infiltrated many areas of American life, such as: Arts & Entertainment, Education, Unions, and the Main Stream Media (now known in this Republic of Loriland as the Marginal Sycophant Media.)
fox news,
free speech,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Demwit Definition: Moonbat
MOONBAT: (Shortened version of BARKING MOONBAT) An unthinking or crazed leftist -- in other words, a modern liberal on the extreme edge of whatever their -ism happens to be.
Moonbats are prone to fits of rage and hysteria due to their frustrations with conservative policies. Moonbats may often be found protesting the Iraq War, President Bush and the U.S. Military. The mental state of Moonbats is rumored to be effected by the cycles of the moon--much like werewolves. They also tend to be quite batty.
A Moonbat is a liberal who has abandoned fact & logic in the pursuit of spewing their socialist propaganda, (ie Al Franken, Michael Moore, and Janeane Garafalo, to name but a few.) Ronald Reagan was the absolute antithesis of a Moonbat.
A Moonbat is a liberal who has sacrificed sanity for the sake of their pro-evil ideology. A Barking Moonbat will accept and loudly repeat ANY lie that advances their political agenda.
The Moonbat believes that guns are the cause of crime – and soldiers are the cause of war and that his Utopia would exist if it wasn’t for the conservative patriot. John Lennon chronicled it in the Moonbat anthem “Imagine.” They imagine “no countries” and that starts first and foremost with the destruction of the greatest country in the history of the world. The Moonbats also dream of a world where no God exists to compete with their own self-importance (think Barack Obama) and the most telling line in their anthem is for everyone to imagine a time where anything and everything is devalued to the point where “There’s nothing (left) to kill or die for.” (adapted from the wise words of Evan Sayat)
A different Beatle song that parodies Liberals seems appropriate here. Look at the opening picture of the video (taken at an anti-war rally), in the forefront is Jane Fonda; go behind her and count three to the left and there is John Kerry.
Moonbats are prone to fits of rage and hysteria due to their frustrations with conservative policies. Moonbats may often be found protesting the Iraq War, President Bush and the U.S. Military. The mental state of Moonbats is rumored to be effected by the cycles of the moon--much like werewolves. They also tend to be quite batty.
A Moonbat is a liberal who has abandoned fact & logic in the pursuit of spewing their socialist propaganda, (ie Al Franken, Michael Moore, and Janeane Garafalo, to name but a few.) Ronald Reagan was the absolute antithesis of a Moonbat.
A Moonbat is a liberal who has sacrificed sanity for the sake of their pro-evil ideology. A Barking Moonbat will accept and loudly repeat ANY lie that advances their political agenda.
The Moonbat believes that guns are the cause of crime – and soldiers are the cause of war and that his Utopia would exist if it wasn’t for the conservative patriot. John Lennon chronicled it in the Moonbat anthem “Imagine.” They imagine “no countries” and that starts first and foremost with the destruction of the greatest country in the history of the world. The Moonbats also dream of a world where no God exists to compete with their own self-importance (think Barack Obama) and the most telling line in their anthem is for everyone to imagine a time where anything and everything is devalued to the point where “There’s nothing (left) to kill or die for.” (adapted from the wise words of Evan Sayat)
A different Beatle song that parodies Liberals seems appropriate here. Look at the opening picture of the video (taken at an anti-war rally), in the forefront is Jane Fonda; go behind her and count three to the left and there is John Kerry.
barking moonbat,

Evan calls himself a 9/13 Republican. 9/11 wasn't a big surprise to him. Obviously, he didn't know the date or the specific targets – and the carnage literally sickened him – but he never had any doubt that the same people who were killing the Jews of Israel for no other reason than that they were the closest infidels, would, when they could, come to massacre the biggest infidels.
What surprised Evan – and changed him forever – was what he calls metaphorically 9/12: the days, weeks, months, and now years after 9/11 and the liberals' response to the attacks. The idea that America deserved the attacks (or, in the words of Barack Obama's mentor, the attacks were "the chickens coming home to roost") and that the way to prevent further attacks was to be nicer to the terrorists, not only made remaining a Democrat impossible, it began Evan on what is now a seven-plus year quest to try and understand the mindset of the Modern Liberal and why, as he would quickly discover, the Modern Liberal invariably and inevitably sides with evil over good, wrong over right, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success
The Men in their Clean White Coats
"I'll be happy to see the nice young men in their clean white coats... and they're coming to take me away..."
I thought I would go crazy when I saw the flock of doctors (all involved in Obama's campaign organization Health Care for America Now) in the White House Rose Garden being given their White Coats so all of America would be so impressed that one doctor from each of the 50 states showed up for an Obama ('Look how wonder I am") Photo Op. (I guess we can assume that Obama has now figured out that the US has 50 states not 57)Drs, left to right: Dr. Mona Mangat of St. Petersburg, Florida, Dr. Hershey Garner of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Dr. Richard A. Evans of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, and Dr. Amanda McKinney of Beatrice, Nebraska.
White House's botched 'op'
By CHARLES HURT, Washington Post Correspondent, October 6, 2009
WASHINGTON -- President Obama yesterday rolled out the red carpet -- and handed out doctors' white coats as well, just so nobody missed his hard-sell health-care message. In a heavy-handed attempt at reviving support for health-care reform, the White House orchestrated a massive photo op to buttress its claim that front-line physicians support Obama.
At least there is still some sanity in the world.
I really don't know who is more crazy. Obama for thinking We The People are such gullible fools; or We The People for being such gullible fools we elected our worst nightmare. By the time this four year nightmare is over so may be the US as we know it. I may be ready for the men in their clean, white coats to come and take me away...“Gifted Hands” Surgeon Rips Into Obamacare
Posted by BigGov Feeds on Oct 14, 2009
President Obama is trying to rally doctors to his side. At an event last week at the Rose Garden, phalanxed by doctors wearing their white coats (as well as some that White House staffers had handed out), Obama declared, “nobody has more credibility with the American people on this issue than you do.”
Yet one of the nation’s top surgeons, with credibility and acclaim the world over for the pioneering surgeries he has and his personal story of overcoming hardship, recently ripped the dominant health care legislation before Congress in a critique similar to that of conservatives and libertarians. Benjamin Carson, director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, Md., and recipient of numerous awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, criticized in a recent interview the approach of the current bills for their mandate, creation of a “public option,” and lack of malpractice liability reform.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wise Words: Ann Coulter
It's always something with the Muslims. You either have mostly sane people governed by a crazy dictator -- Iraq, Iran and Syria (also California and Michigan) -- or a crazy people governed by relatively sane leaders -- Pakistan and Afghanistan, post-U.S. invasion (also Vermont and Minnesota). There are also insane people ruled by insane leaders (but enough about the House Democratic Caucus). Sane people with sane rulers has not been fully tried yet. --Ann Coulter--
Natural-Born Losers
The difficult choice Obama faces in Afghanistan is entirely of his own making, not his generals' and certainly not Bush's. It was Obama's meaningless blather about Afghanistan being a "war of necessity" during the campaign that has moved the central front in the war on terrorism from Iraq -- a good battleground for the U.S. -- to Afghanistan -- a lousy battlefront for the U.S.
And it was Obama's idea to treat war as if it's an ordinary drug bust, reading suspects their Miranda rights and taking care not to put civilians in harm's way.
A Democrat is president and, once again, America finds itself in an "unwinnable war." I know Democrats will never learn, but I wish the voters would.
The difficult choice Obama faces in Afghanistan is entirely of his own making, not his generals' and certainly not Bush's. It was Obama's meaningless blather about Afghanistan being a "war of necessity" during the campaign that has moved the central front in the war on terrorism from Iraq -- a good battleground for the U.S. -- to Afghanistan -- a lousy battlefront for the U.S.
And it was Obama's idea to treat war as if it's an ordinary drug bust, reading suspects their Miranda rights and taking care not to put civilians in harm's way.
A Democrat is president and, once again, America finds itself in an "unwinnable war." I know Democrats will never learn, but I wish the voters would.
by Ann Coulter - 10/14/2009
Conservative Chuckle: When Insults had Class
"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it." - Moses Hadas
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends..." - Oscar Wilde
"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response.
"I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here." - Stephen Bishop
"He is a self-made man and worships his creator." - John Bright
"I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial." - Irvin S. Cobb
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends..." - Oscar Wilde
"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response.
"I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here." - Stephen Bishop
"He is a self-made man and worships his creator." - John Bright
"I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial." - Irvin S. Cobb
Oink, Oink: $373 Million in Stimulus Money for Better Vending Machine Food
Thick slices of pork are being served up to help fight obesity.
Michelle: $373 million in stimulus money for better vending machine foodWhere do I apply for that job of getting more healthy, affordable foods into vending machines?
By: Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent-Washington Examiner - 10/14/09
First Lady Michelle Obama visited the headquarters of the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington Tuesday. She devoted much of her talk to "the growing threat of obesity, particularly childhood obesity" in the United States, and she touted HHS's recently-announced plan to spend $373 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on plans to, among other things, improve the healthfulness of foods in vending machines.
The first lady did not discuss how such work might stimulate the economy or speed economic recovery. But she had glowing praise for the stimulus' role in fighting obesity. "Congress and the president included $1 billion for prevention and wellness programs in the Recovery Act,"
This includes $373 million announced last month that would be available for communities that put together comprehensive plans to reduce obesity –- $373 million -- and that would include everything from incentivizing grocery stores to locate in underserved areas; it could include improving meals at school; to getting more healthy, affordable foods into vending machines; to creating more safe, accessible places for people to exercise and play; and a whole lot more."
"For example, communities will work to make high-fat snack foods and sugar-sweetened beverages less available in schools and other community sites and to use media to promote healthy choices. In addition, funded communities will be encouraged to provide quality physical education in the nation’s schools and enact comprehensive smoking bans."
This week, HHS announced another $120 million in stimulus funds will be made available for similar purposes.
food police,
michelle obama,
stimulus money
Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears
There is a great series of articles found on Climate Depot that gives a lot of information and lots and lots of links to a wide variety of sources. Be prepared to spend some significant time following the many links if you want to get a really great preparation for the Climate Change debate. You can count on increasing desperation from libs as they face the loss of one of their biggest lies/ploys that they use in their fight to change the social/governmental structure of the USA.
2009 ushered in an intensification of threats and intimidation directed towards climate skeptics by the global warming faithful. See: 'Execute' Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: 'At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers' -- 'Shouldn't we start punishing them now?' - June 3, 2009Don't be put with the large number of links to Climate Change articles since each one gives not only a link to the referenced article but also some other related information and links.
Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fearsEven Al Gore may be looking for the next big eco-scare that can make him millions.
By Marc Morano – Climate Depot - Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Significant organs of the mainstream media are now officially abandoning one-sided man-made global warming fear promotion and alleged claims that the "debate is over."
The stunning media reversal has accelerated in recent weeks as top UN scientists have raised the specter of continued global cooling. See: UN Fears (More) Global Cooling Commeth! IPCC Scientist Warns UN: We may be about to enter 'one or even 2 decades during which temps cool' – Sept. 5, 2009
Is It Time for Next Eco-Scare Already? Gore's producer Laure David touts plastic crisis: 'Plastic waste is in some ways more alarming for us humans than global warming' - July 31, 2009Those that are now questioning Global Warming/Climate Change is surprising maybe even stunning.
... even climate and environmental activists are now questioning global warming. See: Climate Activists Shock Admission: 'Climate change campaigners should not have fixated on carbon dioxide' – Sept. 18, 2009
Houston Chronicle science reporter Eric Berger. See: Sept. 2009: Houston Chronicle Reporter Reconsiders Science is 'Settled' Claims! 'I am confused. Four years ago this all seemed like a fait accompli' -
Andrew Revkin of the New York Times are now writing articles about how the UN is failing to achieve scientific and political dominance. See: NYT's Moment of Clarity: UN faces challenge achieving climate treaty 'when global temps have been stable for a decade and may even drop in next few years' – Sept. 23, 2009
Also See: NYT's Moment of Clarity: 'Nobel Halo Fades Fast for UN IPCC Climate Change Panel' -- 'It could quickly lose relevance' - August 4, 2009
The BBC stunned the journalism community with its October 8, 2009 article by their climate correspondent Paul Hudson. The BBC headline reverberated across the globe: "What happened to global warming." The BBC article went on to explain in detail about the lack of global warming and the fact that many scientists are predicting a coming global cooling. See: Shock: BBC's Moment of Clarity: 'What happened to global warming?' -- 'Debate about what is causing it is far from over' – By BBC Climate Correspondent Paul Hudson - October 8, 2009
The scientific, cultural and political impact of the BBC's new perspective on man-made global warming was astounding. Headlines blared:[Of course Gore did end up turning off the mike of the only reporter that dared to ask a real question]
1) 'Frightening hysteria that so gripped the finally subsiding'
2) BBC article is 'a bit like the Catholic church questioning the existence of god'
3) 'The BBC's amazing U-turn on climate change'
4) Rare events: BBC questions global warming and Gore takes questions
5) Australian Herald Sun: Warming emperor suddenly naked: 'This is the like the moment in the Emperor's New Clothes, in which the boy calls out: 'But he's naked' - October 14, 2009But... there is more. More links to more skeptics:
BBC journalist Richard Black also appeared to shift his climate views in 2009. See: BBC's Richard Black Sees The Light -- 'Does climate cloud the bigger picture?'- July 5, 2009 & BBC's Richard Black is asking the right questions! 'Has climate change hijacked the wider environmental agenda?' - August 27, 2009
climate change,
global warming
Democrats want to produce a Vat of Lard
A National Sales Tax? Hey, that's what I've been shouting for years. By replacing the income tax with a consumption tax the US would make such a tremendous change... ALL FOR THE BETTER!
It is a win... Win... WIN situation for everyone except the all the tax attorneys and myriad companies and organizations that make money off bleeding taxpayers dry.
Think how much money the country would save by not having to fund the IRS monster.
Law enforcement won't be able to get the big, bad, boys on tax evasion... but HEY, we will get all that tax revenue from all the criminals who don't currently pay taxes... because they do like to buy things. The Liberals would try every way they could to find a way to make the wealthy pay a higher rate, but they would have to be stopped. It would have to be done without a thousand amendments exempting this and that and Joe and Blow. The whole beauty of the national sales tax is the simplicity. And the wealthy would PAY MORE because they BUY MORE!
Here is a video that compares a flat-tax and consumption based tax as replacements for national income tax.
Are the liberals are finally seeing the light??? They are starting to mention VAT (not so good for taxpayers as a straight sales tax) Wow... WAIT!! Hold them horses! DADGUM it you DARN Liberals. Consumption tax is suppose to replace income tax NOT be added to it. This could be the crisis that will put the last nail in the coffin of the USA.
It is a win... Win... WIN situation for everyone except the all the tax attorneys and myriad companies and organizations that make money off bleeding taxpayers dry.
Think how much money the country would save by not having to fund the IRS monster.
Law enforcement won't be able to get the big, bad, boys on tax evasion... but HEY, we will get all that tax revenue from all the criminals who don't currently pay taxes... because they do like to buy things. The Liberals would try every way they could to find a way to make the wealthy pay a higher rate, but they would have to be stopped. It would have to be done without a thousand amendments exempting this and that and Joe and Blow. The whole beauty of the national sales tax is the simplicity. And the wealthy would PAY MORE because they BUY MORE!
Here is a video that compares a flat-tax and consumption based tax as replacements for national income tax.
The Value-Added Tax: Financing the Road to Serfdom
by Dan Mitchell
If government-run healthcare is approved, it is very likely that politicians will then look for a new revenue source to finance all the new spending that inevitably will follow. Unfortunately, that means a value-added tax (VAT) will be high on the list. Indeed, the VAT recently has been favorably mentioned by powerful political figures and key Obama allies such as the Co-Chairman of his transition team and the Speaker of the House.
The VAT would be great news for the political insiders and beltway elite. A brand new source of revenue would mean more money for them to spend and a new set of loopholes to swap for campaign cash and lobbying fees. (This) video from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity, the evidence from Europe unambiguously suggests that a VAT will dramatically increase the burden of government. That’s good for Washington, but bad for America.
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