Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liberal Laws for Handling the Opposition

Liberal Law #1: Don't Debate... Define and Dominate
Debating the opposition gives them a platform from which someone might listen to and, even worse, agree with them. If debate cannot be avoided then dominate by using the other Laws that address specific ploys designed to define the debate.

Liberal Law #2: Kitchen Sink Approach
If you need to stop a rapidly growing swell of opposition, throw out everything at once, including the Kitchen Sink. Examples of this would be the attacks against Republicans and Teabaggers.

Liberal Law #3: Coordinate Your Attacks
Sometimes when accusations are thrown out by many sources (media, elected officials, leaders liberal organizations etc.) it can overwhelm the opposition and put them on the defense instead of offense. Good tactic against both the very strong and the very weak.

Liberal Law #4: Exaggerate Everything
If you have an actual situation, quote or scandal to criticize, exaggerate it to the extreme and toss in as many additional accusations that fit the circumstances.

Liberal Law #5: Do the Twist
If a real situation or quote is not available or appropriate for your needs, then twist the circumstances or words to fit your needs.

Liberal Law #6: LIE
If you don't have anything to use against an opponent, just make something up. Remember, if you say a lie loud enough and long enough, it becomes accepted as truth. The best lie is one that many will assume is true. (Example: Rush said he hates Blacks.) If you have to toss out a lie on the spur of the moment, don't worry about it. The media and fellow liberals have your back. Even if Fox News and other conservative pundits provide proof that you lied, the Liberal Machine will find a way to excuse you and blame a conservative.

Liberal Law #7: Accuse Opposition of being Racist
Racism is a ploy that can be used against anyone criticizing the president or his policies. It is also a useful ploy that can be used to combat criticism of any Black liberal or program that is suppose to help the poor or minorities.

Liberal Law #8: Label Opposition as Extremists
Extremist can be used in most cases that racism might not be appropriate or it can be used in conjunction with racism ie. KKK.  The label extremist is most effective when a conservative celebrity, group or organization is gaining too much attention or influence. Many adjectives can be used along with the Extremist label such as: radical, far-right, fringe element, wackos, dangerous dissenters, angry mobs, Rush or Beck Followers, Teabaggers, gun-toters, etc.

Liberal Law #9: Call the Opposition Terrorists
This is a ploy to escalate accusations of extremism. It is brought into play by various methods. You can make a direct accusation or indirectly by implication and comparison.

Liberal Law #10: Turn the Tables
If you are accused or criticized, immediately 'turn the table' and accuse the opposition of doing the same thing, only worse and first. If it isn't true, see Liberal Law #6.

Liberal Law #11: Retribution & Threats
Use whatever you can that will inflict the most pain and suffering and make the opposition think twice about opposing Liberals. This could be a boycot, smear campaign, governmental agency attacks (licensing, regulators, IRS, background checks etc.) The threat of retribution is sometimes enough to prevent opposition.

Liberal Law #12: Shut the Opposition Up
If you are face to face with the opposition and none of the other ploys seem to be working then you may need to shut up the opposition by more unconventional means. Some possibilities:
  1. Drowning them out (shout louder, make loud noises; drumming, etc.) 
  2. Don't allow the opposition a chance to speak (don't allow them in or remove them from meetings, don't interview or call on them, etc) 
  3. Storm away in anger when in a situation you can't control... make sure to blame the opposition for being unfair, unreasonable and unacceptable.
    Liberal Law #13: If All Else Fails: BLAME BUSH

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