Evan calls himself a 9/13 Republican. 9/11 wasn't a big surprise to him. Obviously, he didn't know the date or the specific targets – and the carnage literally sickened him – but he never had any doubt that the same people who were killing the Jews of Israel for no other reason than that they were the closest infidels, would, when they could, come to massacre the biggest infidels.
What surprised Evan – and changed him forever – was what he calls metaphorically 9/12: the days, weeks, months, and now years after 9/11 and the liberals' response to the attacks. The idea that America deserved the attacks (or, in the words of Barack Obama's mentor, the attacks were "the chickens coming home to roost") and that the way to prevent further attacks was to be nicer to the terrorists, not only made remaining a Democrat impossible, it began Evan on what is now a seven-plus year quest to try and understand the mindset of the Modern Liberal and why, as he would quickly discover, the Modern Liberal invariably and inevitably sides with evil over good, wrong over right, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success
Heritage Foundation Speech II
I went to the doctor the other day and received some terrible news. It came as quite a shock because, while I had not been feeling great — I was running a slight fever and I had the sniffles — I felt pretty good for a guy my age. So to hear my doctor tell me that I needed immediate and radical surgery I was sent for a bit of a loop.
I asked him what the surgery entailed and he told me he didn’t know as he’d never read about it. I sarcastically asked if he intended to read about it before he cut me open and performed this radical surgery on me and he told me he wouldn’t bother because it would be too complicated for him to understand, anyway. I asked him what was wrong with me and he told me I had the sniffles and a slight temperature. I asked him what massive radical surgery would do to help cure my cold and he said, “well, doing nothing isn’t going to cure it.”
I didn’t scream, I didn’t yell. I’ll admit I did raise my voice a little, but I mean, who wouldn’t? This guy took an oath – hey, this guy works for me!
Well, apparently my raising my voice was too much for him, he called out into the hall for some burly hospital workers – you know the ones, those big orderlies in purples shirts – to stand by and be ready to knock me out with a single punch and tie me to a gurney if I brought up any more objections. With their arrival he declared that he didn’t want me to “do much talkin’” since I’m the one who “caused the problem in the first place” by catching cold. ...
Stupidity, Schooling, and the Take-Over of America’s Culture
Half-a-century ago, a band of Leftist thugs violently took over the administration building at Columbia University and hijacked the American education system. From that moment on, they used this system to indoctrinate – in fact brainwash – generation after generation into their cult of Leftism.
... For decades, these people have been using our children to wage war against America and the majority has remained mostly silent. I suspect this is out of both a certain sense of complacency that comes with unprecedented comforts and also, ironically, a deep and abiding tradition of true liberalism (lower case “l”) that makes good Americans extremely tolerant even of their enemies. But we have reached a tipping point, a time where either we will enter the battle and fight for America against our internal enemies (both witting and unwitting) or we will end up in the dustbin of history with a return to the dark ages that Western Civilization pushed into only the darkest corners of the world.
The bad news is that the hate-America-always crowd is deeply entrenched and have decades of battle-hardened soldiers who feel no allegiance to truth, justice, beauty or anything other than the orthodoxies of the cult. The good news is that we have the majority and, most importantly, we have the truth. If we enter the battle and fight back we will win.
I do believe I am witnessing that rousing of the sleeping giant. I think, in some ways, the disaster of having an enemy-of-the-state as President of the United States has gone a long way in making clear to the good guys that Modern Liberalism isn’t just a fringe cult located on college campuses and at Hollywood pot orgies, and that enough is enough. To them I say “Welcome to the fight.”
Troopathon 2009: Heirs to the Real and Great America
When my son was in high school he was a member of the Air Force ROTC. As the young men and women drilled around the campus, leftist teachers would slam the doors on them in hate and anger, thus putting the lie to the oft-stated canard, “We support the troops but not the war in Iraq.”
So, you men and women in the U.S. Military, are not only good, decent, smart and patriotic Americans, you are the heirs to the real and great America of The Greatest Generation and those who came before them. Somehow, against the onslaught of our enemies at home – the leftist news media that constantly slants its stories against America, the leftist entertainment industry which doesn’t even have to wait to find out the truth before making movies about the evil America solider in Iraq, and the leftist education system that literally slams the doors in young patriots’ faces — you have found and held, and most importantly protect, the real and great America – the one that no president (save leftist Jimmy Carter and now his heir, Barack Obama) has ever felt the need to apologize for.
So, first, I say with all my heart, thank you and God bless you and then I vow that while you fight and win our wars abroad, I will fight for the real and good America in our culture war at home. Again, God bless you and thank you and may God continue to bless America!
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