NY Times's Frank Rich Finds Anti-Bush Argument in Balloon Boy Saga
By: Clay Waters
NY TIMES: "In Defense of the ‘Balloon Boy' Dad," by Frank Rich
HAT TIP: Patriot Update
SAY NO TO ACORNThe defunding of ACORN passed by Congress will expire this Saturday. We need to hold elected officials feet to the fire and demand a permanent defunding or they will slip it back in while we are busy with something else like the disasterous ObamaCare.
Anti-Fox website takes up ACORN cause
With Congress getting ready to pass a continuing resolution that might -- or might not -- extend the ban on federal funds for ACORN, there's a new campaign urging lawmakers to restore federal funding for the community organizing group. The website DeFOX America, which is devoted both to attacking Fox News and defending ACORN, is asking readers to sign a petition urging Congress "to stand up to [Fox's] McCarthyite tactics by voting against any unconstitutional legislation that singles out specific organizations. This includes the continuing resolution that cuts off Federal support to the national anti-poverty group ACORN."SCREEN CAPTURE OF THE DEFOX AMERICA WEBSITE
I reported yesterday that the congressional defunding of ACORN, which some observers assumed was permanent, was actually written to last just for the duration of the current continuing resolution that keeps money flowing to the federal government. That resolution expires at midnight October 31...

Americans for Prosperity-IL have been running ads on cable tv and internet this week, pointing out the problems and connections with the public sector unions and community organizing groups such as ACORN. They're collecting signatures to present to Governor Quinn this week in Springfield. Go to today to be included in the public outrage against bestowing more power on ACORN.
BIAS? WHAT BIAS?Katie Couric, bless her heart, is worried about the GOP being hijacked by the likes of Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. Check out this report from Media Research Center:
Couric: GOP 'Hijacked' by 'Far-Right Conservatives...Like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin'
Another Media Research Center Report alerts us to Media Bias in the reporting of Obama awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to the first popularly-elected Black US Senator, Edward Brooke.
ABC anchor Charles Gibson on Wednesday night had time to convey President Barack Obama's praise of Edward Brooke for “breaking barriers” as the first popularly-elected black U.S. Senator, but not to inform viewers he broke that barrier as a Republican.
NBC's David Gregory noted Brooke's party affiliation: “The Massachusetts Republican urged the lawmakers who gathered to congratulate him to put aside partisan differences and work together.”
Neither network mentioned that Brooke was defeated in 1978 by a darling of left, Paul Tsongas, who was a white guy. They also did not mention that the award for Brooke was approved over a year ago.
List of all Congressional Gold Metal Recipients
CBS did not report the story on their Evening News at all.
INDOCTRINATION? WHAT INDOCTRINATION?In case you missed it, here is the video clip of O'Reilly playing the cross dressing cartoon being shown to California school kids.
OBAMA GOLF UPDATE "While the President golfs Afghanistan, once a necessary war, is downgraded to someone else's mess." -- James Taranto, Best of the Web, WSJ
Politico reports: Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he's already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
CBS' Mark Knoller -- an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related--wrote on his Twitter feed [Saturday] that, "Today - Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months."
Associated Press reports from Kabul that "eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb attacks Tuesday in southern Afghanistan, making October the deadliest month of the war for U.S. forces since the 2001 invasion to oust the Taliban."
The downgrade from The Good, Necessary War to Someone Else's Mess came via White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel who told CNN:
It's clear that basically we had a war for eight years that was going on, that's adrift. That we're beginning at scratch, and just from the starting point, after eight years. . . . Before you commit troops, which is--not irreversible, but puts you down a certain path--before you make that decision, there's a set of questions that have to have answers that have never been asked. And it's clear after eight years of war, that's basically starting from the beginning, and those questions never got asked. And what I find interesting and just intriguing from this debate in Washington, is that a lot of people who all of a sudden say, this is now the epicenter of the war on terror, you must do this now, immediately approve what the general said--where, before, it never even got on the radar screen for them.James Taranto asks and reports:
Hang on a second. It has now been 51 weeks since Obama was elected president, and more than nine months since he took office, and he's just now getting around to asking the "questions . . . that have never been asked"?
But that's not really fair to Obama. After all, he has a busy schedule, what with golf games and pitching the International Olympic Committee and date nights and Democratic fund-raisers and health care and the U.N. Security Council and Sunday morning talk shows and saving the planet from global warming and celebrating the dog's birthday and defending himself against Fox News and all.
"I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way," quotes the president as telling servicemen. As for the servicemen who are already in harm's way: Jeez, guys, be patient! He'll figure out what to do about Afghanistan as soon as he gets around to it.
Then again, when he accepted the nomination for president back in August 2008, he seemed to know just what to do:
***** QUOTE *****
When John McCain said we could just "muddle through" in Afghanistan, I argued for more resources and more troops to finish the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11, and made clear that we must take out Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights. John McCain likes to say that he'll follow bin Laden to the Gates of Hell--but he won't even go to the cave where he lives. . . .
I will . . . finish the fight against al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan.
***** END QUOTE *****
As John Kerry* once said, "You could get whiplash watching the administration policy on Afghanistan change from day to day."
* The haughty, French-looking Massachusetts Democrat who, by the way, served in Vietnam.
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