Say Nice Things or Shut Up, Be Happy, Be Afraid, Obey
or you will go on my BAD LIST and you WILL be punished.

The Enemy List they have compiled include the Republicans (of course), Tea Party Patriots, Townhallers, banks and investment houses, Humana and other insurers who don't support ObamaCare (unlike AARP who heeled like good little pets), the bondholders who resisted the GM and Chrysler bailouts, and Fox News. The Thug tactics have included much more than mere words.
Any right-wing, conservative group or person is on the list by default: The Department of Homeland Security issued a document warning counter-terrorism and law enforcement authorities of an alleged threat to the U.S. posed by “domestic right-wing terrorists.” Included in the group of potential right-wing terrorists are individuals who are pro-life, support the Second Amendment and oppose the flood of illegal aliens. The DHS pamphlet also singled out military veterans for possible recruitment into domestic terrorist cells.
The Thug tactics have included much more than mere words. The 789 Chrysler dealerships that were ordered closed by the White House had owners who donated to GOP candidates, Republican-leaning causes or donated to Hillary Clinton or John Edwards during the Democratic presidential primaries. Fox News was denied interviews. Negative rumor campaigns were conducted, Rush had his own that was dubbed "Rushbo."
Banks, businesses and insurance companies that did not play ball were subjected to investigations, regulators and threats to rescind licenses and other strong-arm activities. Just today Congress voted to end anti-trust protections for Insurance Companies.
One recent addition to Obama's Enemy List has been US Chamber of Commerce. In the last few weeks, Obama's Moonbat Militia (such as MSNBC) have taken pot shots and conducted covert attacks against the USCC and the White House fired a few warning shots over the their bow; but since the Chamber has not been scared into submission the attacks have been intensified.
In addition to the war of words with the administration, the Chamber has been victim of a hoax by a Moonbat group called the Yes Men.
The American Spectator has been discussing Obama's Enemy List and Chicago Style Thuggery since the campaign in 2008 and made some ominous predictions that have come to pass:
"Imagine the gross violations against political speech that may very well occur when there are no checks and balances from a sycophantic Congress and there is complicity from the national news gatekeepers. The public may be very surprised at the lengths the Obama Administration may pursue to silence critics. Moreover, the self-anointed Praetorian Guard of the First Amendment will conveniently develop a case of amnesia regarding on which side of the debate they fall when it comes to press freedoms. Do not expect to see the New York Times editorialize against Obama and the Congress when it comes to protecting free speech rights aside from its own and that of like-minded, liberally-biased press outlets."The White House's attempts to neuter the US Chamber of Commerce and demonize Fox News led Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) to issue a stern warning to Obama. Alexander is the last Nixon White House aide still in public service, and, as he pointed out, he knows how bad things can get when a president has an Enemy List.
White House officials offer no apologies for their aggressive tactics. "The best analogy is probably baseball," says Gibbs. "The only way to get somebody to stop crowding the plate is to throw a fastball at them. They move."
Click on READ MORE for links to commentary about the Enemy List and Chicago Style Politics.
KARL ROVE: “This is an administration that’s getting very arrogant and slippery in its dealings with people. And if you dare to oppose them, they’re going to come hard at you and they’re going to cut your legs off.”
JOHN MCCAIN: "I think I've been around this town, in the view of many, too long. But long enough to see what the Greek god Hubris will do to administrations. And if I were advising the president, which obviously in the administration I'm not, I would encourage them to tread very carefully in making enemies intentionally. I've found in Washington you pick up enough enemies just conducting your normal life without going out and picking some out."
WASHINGTON TIMES: "In recent days, the administration has attacked the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the insurance industry for opposing key administration objectives, has criticized the nation's largest banks and financial firms for outsized executive pay, and has tried to delegitimize the Fox News Channel by mocking its objectivity."
"When you're on their side, it's all OK, but if you're not, they rain hell down on you," said R. Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, bemoaning the administration's bellicose response to differing opinions on health care and financial regulatory reform proposals."
AMERICAN THINKER: "Obama's oratory of Hope and Change has proved to be nothing more than camouflage for a realpolitik of Fear and Loathing, his broad smile at the teleprompter just a distraction while Obama's heavies deliver a kidney punch to perceived enemies. Welcome to politics -- the Chicago way."
TIME: "After eight months at the White House, the days of nonpartisan harmony are long gone — it's Us against Them. And the Obama Administration is playing to win."
SUNTIMES: "Recently an MSNBC personality accused the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of lobbying for policies that amount to being "treasonous to this country." Remember how liberals roared in outrage at any hint of their patriotism being questioned for criticizing the Iraq War? Well, it's the left that doesn't shy from attacking the patriotism of those it dislikes. Recall the repulsive Moveon.org "General Betray-us" ad against Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus. Recent opposition to Chicago's Olympic bid was cast as a sign of a lack of patriotism among Obama critics."
"The White House trying to dictate who's a news organization. Democrats out to gut a business group. Obama media allies damning Americans as racist, unpatriotic and treasonous. Is this the America Obama promised when he campaigned to end the cynical and divisive politics of the past?"
HABLEDASH: "This is just further proof that this radical administration, is, well, radical! You don't go through life sitting in a church of an anti-Semite and white hating preacher and not be a radical. You don't befriend an unrepentant terrorist and launch your political campaign in his living room and not be a radical. You don't grow up listening to a Communist that hates white people and not be a radical. "
UK TELEGRAPH, Nile Gardiner: "The United States is a nation built around the principles of free speech, limited government, and free enterprise, and it is highly unusual for a US administration to launch an authoritarian vendetta against an individual news station. It smacks of mean-spiritedness as well as desperation, and is an approach that is already backfiring, with Fox’s ratings receiving an added boost from the huge publicity."
"Fox News is succeeding in America precisely because it is not afraid to challenge the status quo, and to take on the power of big government. It is unique in broadcast media in going against the grain of the dominant liberal networks, NBC, CBS and ABC, by providing an alternative perspective in a nation where conservatives are still the largest ideological group according to Gallup. Television news in America has for decades been dominated by a left-of-centre oligopoly that has not reflected public opinion. That smug arrangement was shattered when Fox opened for business in the mid-1990s."
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